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S3 licensed
Quote from VolksTurbo :You could make a system to reach the 100 display a message? please

That's in Lapper by default.
Look for this section:

#Options for acceleration#

$AccelerationStartSpeed = 1; # At which speed to start measuring time. In km/h
$AccelerationEndSpeed = 100; # At which speed to stop measuring time. In km/h

$AccelerationStartSpeedMph = 1; # At which speed to start measuring time. In Mph
$AccelerationEndSpeedMph = 60; # At which speed to stop measuring time. In Mph

$AccelerationPrivateMaxTime = 10; # Maximum acceleration time in seconds to show message

#Message to show to players.
#Possible variables to use:
#{AccelerationStartSpeed} - Starting speed
#{AccelerationEndSpeed} - Ending speed
#{AccelerationTime} - Acceleration time achieved from start to end speed
#{UnitSpeed} Unit of the Speed of the player connected

Event OnAcceleration( $userName ) # Player event
privMsg( langEngine( "%{main_accel}%" ,GetCurrentPlayerVar("AccelerationTime"),GetCurrentPlayerVar("AccelerationEndSpeed"),GetCurrentPlayerVar("UnitSpeed") ) );

S3 licensed
Quote from misiek08 :Maybe you can do some refreshed Drag system? I'm working in spare time on PHP version, but it will take me few more weeks, because I don't have much time for this.

Drag system where you specify start position like in original InSim made long time ago here.

What should be refreshed in relation to the currect script that is included in the Lapper distribution?
If I would know what should be done, I might want to look into it.
S3 licensed
Can you post a couple of screenshots of what is happening?
To close a button in Lapper, the ID of that button is used.
Maybe the close routine isn't refering to all the correct ID's.
Make a copy of the LPR file, then rename that copy to .txt and upload it to the forum as well.
S3 licensed
Quote from VolksTurbo :Another question is: because lapper leaves open only three buttons? : s

If active semaphore drag me close several buttons: s

This should have gone into another section, since it's about a configuration problem and not about requesting a script.
So please put this question in the "Config help" section and explain more what the problem is, add the script you are using and maybe some screenshots too.
All that will help to make it easier to understand what is happening and how it could be solved.
S3 licensed
Quote from VolksTurbo :Could I make a system that upon entering the server display a message if the user has S1 or S2 license Demo please thanks.

Lapper can't detect that with some sort of variable, but I have an idea how it could still be done.
Will look into it later this week.
S3 licensed
I spotted a small spelling issue.
It says "Store coordinations" instead of "Store coordinates".
Other then that, keep up the good work and you know where to find me if help is needed in any way.
S3 licensed
I can't see any obvious problem and do see you worked your way around the wrong syntax being displayed in 'changes.txt' when it comes to RegisterzoneAction Thumbs up
Since your Lapper crashes as soon as you entered a supposedly deleted zone, it looks like Lapper still tries to fire the "Enter zone event" but only finds a corrupt line of code and then crashes.
All the latest Lapper crashes I recently ran into, were caused by missing () or ;
So you might want to inspect these creepy little fellows.
Stopping these crashes (even when the code is wrong, Lapper should never crash on that) is high on my list when ever my friend has some spare time and is willing to work on Lapper some more for me/us.
S3 licensed
Litle update on this project.
I've finished most of the chase and book code this evening.

There are two ways to start a chase:

1) you type: !chase [lfs username]
2) you type: !chasehud , followed by clicking the 'Chase' button behind the name of the person you want to chase

When you are chasing someone, the chase HUD will change and you can only end the current chase, before starting another one.

To end a chase you can again do two things:

1) you type: !endchase [lfs username]
2) in the chase HUD you click the 'End chase' button

If you are within 5 meters (code made by Bass-Driver, thanks for letting me use that piece of code) of the person you are chasing, you can type: !book
This will book the offender and cost him some money, or points, or what ever you like.
Last edited by Yisc[NL], .
S3 licensed
I think the same amount as on a regular track.
Project: Cruise for Lapper (CfL)
S3 licensed
For the last couple of weeks I am working on a project that I named: Cruise for Lapper (CfL)
The idea is to create a dynamic cruise system, so that users can set it up any way they want it.

I started by creating a system to define streets and to give them a maximum speed.
That worked very well on regular LFS tracks, but as soon as I started using them on open configs, the system wasn't working anymore.
So I contacted a very good friend of mine who also happens to be a professional developer.
He added an extra function to Lapper (I will release the new version once my project is finished) to enable me to define streets which can be as long as I want to and in any direction I want to.
The GUI to define streets, currently looks like this (of course it's WIP):

It's possible to give the street a name, a maximum speed, a width and you can define the start, end, and as many waypoints (although the GUI currently is limited to 8) as you want.
This could look like this:

After pressing "Store street" the street is saved into the memory of Lapper.
As soon as a player then enters a defined street, it will be shown on the HUD, along with the maximum speed:

If the maximum speed is violated, a message about that is displayed on the HUD and a timer is started.

During that timer a cop can choose to chase the offender in order to try and book him.
If a chase is started, the player who is being chased, will get to see flashing police light at the top of the HUD:

There are still loads of work to be done and I will update this thread, once there is more news.
Let me know what you think of the whole idea and which elements I should certainly include.
Last edited by Yisc[NL], .
S3 licensed
That means that the RDP protocol isn't enabled on the server.
Best thing to do is contact LFS hosting and tell them about your problem.
S3 licensed
And what happens if you try to connect RDP to that IP address?
S3 licensed
I haven't got experience with the LFS hosting option, but it can't be much different then any other server. Connect to your server using RDP, find the directory in which the LFS dedicated server is installed and then find the config file in which the settings of the server are set.
Remove the line starting with /insim and then restart the LFS dedicated server.
S3 licensed
Well, then there isn't much we can do to help you.
I have to admit that I'm surprised to read that you are willing to host an LFS server, but don't have any knowledge how to deal with such server.
No offense, but you shouldn't be hosting a server in the first place then.
S3 licensed
Connect to it using RDP or another remote control tool if that's installed and change the file.
S3 licensed
Remove the whole /insim line from the configuration file and restart the server.
S3 licensed
The insim port (or protocol) has nothing to do with being able to connect to a server or not, unless you connected an application to the Isim port, that crash the whole server (if that's even possible at all).
Simple test would be to start the server without a specified Insim port and then see if connecting is or isn't possible.
If it still isn't possible, something else is wrong.
S3 licensed
Nice project you have there, keep up the good work.
I just noticed an error in the screenshot of code.
It says: $distuser = ($distY*distY) + ($distY*distY);
Unless I'm missing something, I suspect you need to do something with $distX at some point.
S3 licensed
Yes there is.
Set this in your configuration file: /usemaster=no
S3 licensed
Yes you can people directly by typing /ban [number of days for the ban to last]

Maximum number of days is 999.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mikail Soyuguzel :I understand that my English is no excuse
What I want is something like the barrier with the lift a Game Cheats Cheat code lapper

Despite the effort (which is appreciated), it still doesn't make any sense.
I looks like you used some kind of translation software, but the outcome is very bad.
Maybe you can find someone who can explain to us what it is you want?
S3 licensed
Sir, please try your best to write a posting in proper English.
I totaly understand that English isn't the native language for a lot of people on this planet, but in order to answer your questions to the best of our abilities, it would be nice to have the question being asked as clear as possible.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mikail Soyuguzel :So what can we do to prevent cheating, for example, like going to a 999 day directly to ban 400

Please don't put all these kind of questions in this topic.
This is a basicly a topic to request a script of have a script adjusted.
Questions about how to use Lapper etc. can go in various other topics.
S3 licensed
Quote from Bass-Driver :Looking throught the insim packets, i see that the Usernames and Nicknames are readonly. So its not possible to change the name by insim.
Correct me if i'm wrong.

Its possible to read the name of the user.
If the user is a admin then send him a message to change his name.

You are totaly right about this.
Lapper says that NickName is read-only, so not able to change it.
S3 licensed
Quote from Mikail Soyuguzel :Yes, I Want The Admin Tag That Can Be Added To The Beginning Of The Administrators

Okay, so you want Lapper to change the nick of the player, in case he/she is an admin?
I know Lapper can fire an event when someone changes its name, but I am not sure if you can do it the other way round.